Blog SEDA College Online

Learn English with Harry Potter

Alohomora!  The muggles of the world all know that Netflix has released every Harry Potter movie! You know what this mean? Bing watching! And why not take this opportunity to learn English with the wizard?

A research done in 2018 showed that muggles all around the world have shown improvement in their language skills watching the 8 films from the Harry Potter saga. The study showed that 79% of the people said that the movies helped them understand English better and the adventures of the wizard were the movies that best estimulated their learning.

Keith Hawk, sênior member of the Mugglenet team said: “Certainly it is not surprising for millions of Harry Potter fans that the movies of the franchise we chosen as the number one path to learn English through cinema.” He adds: “The movies will help any child or adult who is up for some learning through media, being that movies or books.”

The study also shows that the students who watched the movies are more interested in traveling to do an exchange program.

Since you don’t have a flying car and you Hogwarts letter hasn’t arrived yet, study with us at SEDA College Online. An online platform for you to learn fast, whenever you want. Become a member and give a expectro patronum in the fear of speaking English.
