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Is English essential? Know 10 areas of work in which the language is mandatory

Is English essential? Are you still not convinced that English is mandatory professionally? Know 10 areas of work in which the language is mandatory and improve your professional opportunities!


Information Technology: the programming codes are in English. If the programmer does not recognise the language, the learning becomes way harder.


Many times doctors, nurses and technicians face emergencies involving foreigners. The best anatomy books are published in English, just like the best studies in varied areas.


With the external market expansion and the rising internal crisis from Brazil, the transactions must happen with other countries as well. The international commerce happens in English. If the professional doesn’t know the language, they’re out.

Financial Area

Who works in this area needs to be up to date when it comes to international news in order to understand better the behaviour of the market. The stock market is universal and because of that, it works in English.


With the international market growth, many professionals operate on big constructions in other countries. The engineer who doesn’t know English can’t work abroad whatsoever.

Social Communication

With a big digital marketing growth, the language of the social medias is English. Terms used in design, just like the word itself, are from the English origin. Journalists also need to know the language to have access to international sources, acquire a better understanding of the situations, and communicate better with the public. 


Teachers from every level of graduation need to learn English in order to be capable of developing a better exchange of knowledge with their students. Without the language, the world of learning is limited and not so effective and attractive to students.


Receiving and communicating with foreign tourists, knowing the names of dishes and taking specialisation courses abroad, these are some things that show how important English is for gastronomy. You don’t want to stay out of this, right?


International Law is a very interesting area to work in. It is in constant expansion. The professional who wishes to act on Haya court, just like being part of the show “Advogados sem Fronteiras”, in defence of the human rights of war victims, needs to have a huge knowledge of the language.


If you want to have more chances of improvement and opportunities, English is essential for everyone who works on board of cruises or as a member of a cabin crew. Airline companies for example, prefer those who speak the language to take part in international flights.

If you seek English for the profession of cabin crew, SEDA College Online has launched a new English course for Cabin Crew, which contains a vast vocabulary, it covers from the pre-flight to the landing stage besides situations with passengers, menu on board and much more! Discover more clicking here.

Apart from the area you want to work in, which profession you want to choose, it is important to have in mind that English will always be a differential and in many cases, a requirement. Whoever has knowledge can have better opportunities, jobs abroad and eventually a bigger professional development.

SEDA College Online offers online English classes with certificate. Access now and enrol! Have immediate access to exclusive and unique contents.
