Tip: website provides more than 50 thousand books in English for free
We have already spoken here that reading is one of the essential skills of English. And if you like to read books and want to practice more your reading, we have a great tip! ManyBooks offers free books in English! Check out more!
Founded in 2004, ManyBooks was created with the goal of providing an extensive library of books in digital format for free on the Internet.
The site has more than 50,000 books for you to download or read directly on the site, and the works are of several genres, such as romance, mystery, biographies, children’s books and more.
READ MORE: For beginners: practice English reading with SEDA College Online
In addition, many of the older e-books are from the Project Gutenberg (older digital library) files, which means you can find many classics on the site.
You can read the books online right away, or you can download by signing up. Click here.